Configuration File (organiq.json)

The organiq.json file is used to provide configuration settings to the Organiq SDK, whether it is used on a device or or a client application. This file is a JSON formatted file that currently has only a single supported property:

  • apiRoot - the URL to the Organiq server

Local Development

When developing applications in a local network environment, you will typically use a development version of the Organiq server running on your development machine. In order for this server to be found by, e.g., a Tessel, you need to supply the IP address of this server in organiq.json.

The easiest way to create an organiq.json file is to use the CLI's `init' option, like this:

$ organiq init --local-dev

This will write out a simple organiq.json in the current directory that sets up apiRoot to point at the primary IP address of the local host.